Understanding Generative AI 101

Artificial Intelligence a.k.a AI is developing really fast. Every few months we see a new advancement in AI. One of the newest advancements is Generative AI, this is a branch of AI that focuses on creating or enhancing the capabilities of AI to generate new contents like text, images, videos, audios, music and so on keeping in mind that it is very human-like. Think of generative AI as an assistance like a robot friend who is super intelligent and can do stuff for you without being told exactly what to do, it uses its intelligence to generate new and unique things.

If you are fascinated with AI, want to research or learn more about Generative AI and what you can expect from it then this article will help you explore this less explored territory, i.e.  Generative AI and its potential. You can learn about its origin, stories, what’s happening right now and unravel the exciting possibilities lie ahead. You can judge yourself whether its going to be a game changer that can revolutionize how we create content now.

Imagine instead of starting to draw on a blank canvas, an AI can suggest you ideas, color combinations or even initiate your sketch. You will be free to take the suggestions and add your unique style and creativity to produce a masterpiece. Its like a world where machines can help us become more creative, solve complex problems faster and bringing our ideas to life quicker.

Origins of Generative AI

We can trace back the early concept of Generative AI back to when we started thinking of an idea of a machine learning from us and we were only thinking to use it for problem solving only. It was like an advanced tool that could help us find answers, do calculation faster, making guesses based on the data we provide. But as technology started to progress, humans started thinking whether we can use AI to go beyond just getting answers to our questions, and actually create or come up with new ideas or stuff on its own.

That gave rise to the idea of Generative AI. Its like having a robot or an AI that can think like us human. If you have already used some sort of image-creating AIs then you know that one of its uses is to ask an AI to create a new image based on an image we provide or some instructions so that it can create a unique picture.

The development in technology called deep learning algorithm made Generative AI possible. Algorithms (a.k.a Algos) are like special instructions that can help the AI to learn and think like humans. The Algos can allow the AI to create something new and unique, be it art, text, music, videos, and so on.

How does generative AI function?

Generative AI generates content using special networks called Neural Networks, these networks learn from big datasets and use them to generate new content by following the patterns found in the datasets. Generative AI is a way of training computer programs to learn from big collection of data so that they can ma44ke predictions based on data without giving any instructions or details to them about what to do.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are one of such type of Generative AI. There are two parts to GANs, a Generator and a Discriminator. The content is created by the generator and the discriminator tries to tell whether the content was made by a machine or a human. With practice and training, the generator can become better & smarter at creating content that can fool the discriminator. By giving it a lots of existing content, we can train it so that it can learn to create new content that looks very human like.

Deep learning is a type of machine learning and Generative AI falls under it. It tries to mimic the way our brains work to learn, understand and find patterns in a given set of data without a need to tell what to do.

Various models can be used to build generative AI, like GANs, transformers, and Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs). Each model has its own way to train the AI and create new content.

Applications of Generative AI

Generative AI systems utilizes foundational models that posses capabilities enabling them to perform many tasks with no fixed limits and they can perform open ended tasks. Pace at which AI is developing, it seems the potential of generative AI is yet to be explored and put into practice.

What we have experienced so far is that generative AI works with different media types, for example converting text to images, audio to text, text to videos, and so on. Since the beginning of this year we have noticed the pace at which different industries & businesses are adopting AI is amazing and we can expect it to rise and touch new heights.

Image Generation

Generative AI has brought a revolution in the area of image creation, helping the artists and designers to unleash their creativity by providing visual assistance and has given wings to their imagination. For example, many times artists have a vague idea about something they want to create. Now, with the power of generative AI algorithms, artists can create landscapes or paintings or amazing abstracts by harnessing the power of visual & imaginary models as AI can convert their thoughts to images or give them a starting point.

Artists can utilize the power of visual & imaginary models. For example, Illustration, Infographics, 3D modelling, image editing, architectural drawings and so on. With generative AI an artist can open doors to a world of endless creativity and can never feel short of ideas.

Music Composition

Slowly and gradually, every day we are seeing that AI is touching human lives like never before, and generative AI has the power to amaze music lovers by contributing to the music industry as well. In last one year or so, we have seen how AI is generating images from text and its totally awesome. Now imagine how astonishing it will be to see AI composting music from text.

If someone had talked about a machine creating music for us 2 years ago, it would have been beyond belief, and the fact that it can do so without any need of human instructions would have been unimaginable. Just like artists who have a vague idea about a painting but struggle to find a starting point and AI can help them. AI can help music composers who are facing a similar problem. I think Generative AI can take care of that problem, as it is not only capable of generating music, notes, melodies, words, lyrics, & captivating poetry but also full songs.

It is going to be a complete game changer and a great support to musicians, lyricists, song writer, and music composer. Now, humming a tone or random rhyming words can be used as a starting point for creating a complete song with full melodies or harmonies.

I think with Generative AI for music composition, a time will soon come when anyone can create their own original music without needing music training or knowledge. And who knows, by the time I publish this blog, many individuals with no music background may have composed and launched their own uniquely generated music or songs.

Text Generation

Generative AI has already made significant progress and hoisted its flag in the area of generating text. It’s surprisingly wonderful and has become a valuable tool for content creators. It’s very fascinating how we can now utilize AI to write articles, social media posts, product descriptions, press releases, blog posts, and so on.

AI has proved that it can learn from existing text to generate new and unique text. What’s exciting is that it can write very identically to how a human would write. Many businesses and individuals have already used this technology to create high-quality content for their businesses without compromising credibility.

Text generation is one of the first few things we started using AI for, and with time, AI is continuously evolving and becoming more accurate in generating relevant text that meets the intended audience’s needs.

Virtual Reality and Gaming

The way we are interacting with AI now is improving every day. Generating AI is slowly entering into the world of Virtual Reality and Gaming, whether it’s creating landscapes or backgrounds for games, textures, virtual environments, or realistic characters.

With the growing demand of people for virtual reality games, game designers can present the requirement to AI, and AI can analyze user behavior and preferences to generate personalized, custom designed gaming experiences to meet individual needs. For example, adjusting game difficulty based on the player’s style or skill level to make the game more challenging.

Also, we have already witnessed AI-powered virtual assistants that can provide real time guidance to players to improve their gameplay. For example, an AI assistant can observe a gameplay of a player and provide tips & hints to improve their skills, making the gaming experience more engaging and interactive.

You have already seen technology in your TVs and mobile phones these days that makes them easy to use for people with disabilities. Similarly, AI can provide assistance to individuals with disabilities to play games that were once inaccessible. For example, voice recognition technology enables those with speech impairments to communicate with a virtual assistant to control a game.

The Advantages of Generative AI

Increased Efficiency

We do a lot of repetitive tasks and processes every day, consuming a lot of our time making it all very monotonous, but Generative AI can automate such repetitive tasks allowing humans to utilize/focus their time and energy towards more complex & creative tasks, innovations and personal development.

Improved Productivity

Generative AI can create a lot more content and ideas in much shorter time, making businesses more profitable and successful. AI can adapt to changing market conditions and allows businesses to work efficiently to meet the changing needs of their customers, it also helps in exploring new possibilities as AI is constantly learning and trying to predict what’s coming.

Enhanced Creativity

If you notice yourself, you will realize that you generate many ideas throughout your day. In fact, our mind never ceases to provide fresh ideas and new ways of doing our daily chores. Whether its creating a sketch, storytelling, mowing our lawn, making a craft, writing an email, driving on highways, cooking a cuisine, and countless other activities. Our Mind often present us with even bigger ideas to do something that can make a significant difference/impact on society or can solve widespread problems. Sometimes, you know how to initiate and take that first step towards realizing your idea, and many times you simply let it go.

Generative AI can not only assist you with those ideas, but it also generate new and creative ones. It can help you take that initial step and even prepare drafts for your. It can assist us to make big changes in many different areas like science, art, technology, and the list is end less.

Generative AI goes beyond our existing knowledge. It pushes & inspires us to think differently and come up with ideas that we never thought possible. For example, a student working on a science project has come up with a solution to a problem that people are facing related to renewable energy. In this scenario, Generative AI could provide new ways to harness renewable energy or a groundbreaking method to purify water.

Cost Savings

Who doesn’t want to cut costs? Whether we are a business owner or a household, we like cost saving. Generative AI can be used as a highly intelligent assistant that can be programmed perform tasks for us automatically without needing any human need. It can complete tasks more quickly and accomplish more in less time.

For instance, imagine a toy factory where assembling each toy manually takes longer and cost a lot of money, a Generative AI robot could automatically assemble the toys much faster and without the need of many people. Using a generative AI robot would save the factory a lot of money as they wouldn’t need many works and robots would do the work a lot quicker than humans. It can save money on labor costs and time both.

Better Decision

Do you sometimes feel that days, weeks, months even years are passing by so quickly that we often don’t have time to make correct decision or end up making wrong one because time is flying, and we are busy with countless activities every day? And sometimes, there is simply too much data for us to go through it all and find important stuff. Generative AI is like a super smart assistant who can investigate piles of information, never misses a fact. It can summarize datasets quickly and assist us in making a better decisions considering all the aspects of the information we provided.

For example, let’s say you are playing a computer game and you want to improve your strategy to complete a level faster without losing a life. Generative AI can analyze thousands of gameplay data points, study your moves and the outcomes, and examine the mistake you made in past. It can identify the patterns and strategies that leads to success. It can provide helpful tips & suggestions on how to play like a pro and win more games.

Or, Imagine you are a farmer, and your aim is to maximize your crop yield. Generative AI can analyze bunch of data, like soil quality, weather patterns, quality of seeds and crop growth rate, to determine the best planting strategies. It can offer recommendations about irrigation schedules, fertilization techniques, and even predict potential pest outbreaks or potential weather warnings. With this information, you can make an informed decision to increase your harvest.


Wouldn’t it amazing if we could increase the scale of our business based on the growing demand? Like an on-demand increase or decrease in the production of our products and services, but without any human intervention. Generative AI can be used as a special tool that can change its size to match our business needs. It can become big or small depending on how much work the business has. By doing so, we can always fit perfectly in different situations.

For example, imagine an online game that becomes really popular, and suddenly thousands of players start playing at the same time. The game servers might be over burdened, which can reduce the performance of the online game. At this point, Generative AI can scale up by adding more servers or by providing extra cloud space to handle the increased player load, ensuring that everyone can play without experiencing any slow down. Also, when the demand for servers and cloud space is not much, then the Generative AI can scale down too.


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